"Polygon" is the general sponsor of the XVI International scientific conference "Problems TECHNOLOGY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS"


USATU16-18 November in Ufa State Aviation Technical University held XVI International scientific-technical conference "Problems TECHNOLOGY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS." In conjunction with the conference held in 2015 PTiTT XIII International Conference "Optical technologies in telecommunications."

Both conferences - a platform for exchange of experience and discussion of current and urgent problems of telecommunications and related areas of science and technology. Most of the participants of the conference is to include representatives of companies - manufacturers of telecommunications equipment, the staff of research institutes, graduate and undergraduate students.
Involvement in conferences and post-graduate students contributes to the promotion of scientific and research directions, promotes conscious career choice

Conference themes PTiTT 2015
1. General problems of transmission and processing of information.
2. Information and Communication Technologies and the network.
3. Geographic information systems, information and communication space technologies, radio, television and mobile telephony.
4. Problems of telecommunications equipment.
5. Protection of information in info-communication networks.
6. Modern information technology, healthcare and telemedicine.
7. Problems of training specialists in the field of telecommunications.

Conference themes OTT 2015
1. Technology of optical telecommunication systems.
2. Passive and active optical components of the fiber-optic communication lines
information-measuring systems.
3. Processing of univariate and multivariate optical signals.
4. Maintenance, monitoring and restoration of optical communications networks.
5. Nanophotonics and Quantum Communications
6. Student Chapter SPIE Optical cells and OSA.

OAO NPP "Polygon" - the general sponsor of the XVI International scientific conference "CHALLENGES OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY."

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