
OPC-Server PolygonOPC
OPC-Server PolygonOPC
PolygonOPC Program is an OPC-server with module connection support exchanging with terminating devices - OPC-plug-ins. This feature allows flexible creation of the necessary configuration of the server, depending on the equipment used.

Manager virtual COM-ports ArlanComManager
Manager virtual COM-ports ArlanComManager
Arlan®ComManager is a software to manage virtual COM-ports Polygon VirtualCom.

Network Management System Polygon SNMP Manager
Network Management System Polygon SNMP Manager
As a rule, the typical networks comprise diverse equipment of different manufacturers. As a result, operators in the control centers have to use a set of different control systems that are specific to each manufacturer. 

Modules for SNMPc
Modules for SNMPc
The use of SNMP-managers uniforms management and control over equipment, however all the parameters are typically displayed in tables with indistinctive names. To simplify the work of a user many SNMP-managers support additional modules that can be used to provide information on specific equipment in the form of a graphical interface.

