Integrated Software Development

Developers' team of the “Polygon” enterprise decided to employ an open source platform GNU/Linux as a main platform for software programming of the produced equipment.


The decision was made considering the following advantageous of the GNU/Linux:

  • Excellent scalability on multiprocessor and multicore systems;
  • Supports a large number of hardware platforms, including up-to-date systems on the basis of ARM and ARM64 processors;
  • Supports a wide range of equipment;
  • Availability of source code for analysis and modification;
  • Wide range of open source and proprietary software for diverse use;
  • POSIX standard compatibility;
  • A numerous development community;
  • System vendor neutrality.

Programmers of the JSC SPE “Polygon” invented their own distribution package GNU / Linux, specifically adapted to meet the challenges of managing the hardware part of the equipment produced. Its features include small size, fast loading and low computational load within operational process.

Linux kernel and all the system software are distributed under the GPL license and any user can get the source code on demand. All the GNU/Linux-oriented software programmed in the enterprise is also distributed on this license.

In 1986 the company Ericsson developed Erlang programming language designated specially for telecommunication equipment purposes. Since then Erlang attained source code status under GPL license, and a great number of programmers has joined to development. Today Erlang is a mature and proved software platform with diverse third-party libraries.


Advantages of the Erlang/OTP:  

  • High reliability;
  • Transparent support for distributed process interactions;
  • Moderate requirements for hardware resources;
  • Simplicity of the programming language and ease at studying for developer: a qualified programmer is able to give the first results within the first two weeks of studying of Erlang/OTP;
  • A wide selection of documents and literature from beginner to expert level;
  • Developer tools availability;
  • Huge community of programmers;
  • Source code availability for analysis and modification;
  • System vendor neutrality.

These advantages allow minimizing the time and funds for implementation of functionality on their own or by third-party developers and widely use the existing software with minimal modifications. For instance, due to subsystem routing integration of the Linux kernel with hardware we are able to implement routing protocols of BGP, OSPF and some others, any routing based software operating on Linux (BIRD, Quagga, XORP) without any modification.

Software development in the “Polygon” enterprise meets the requirements of the world’s leading programming technologies and complies with the international standards as well as hardware development via CAD/CAM/CAE. 
